Asario Seeds or Halim Seeds are one of India’s most versatile ingredients. As a native to the country, for centuries the Indian people have roasted, soaked, or eaten the Halim seeds raw – and enjoyed the wonderful taste.
The seeds provide a nutty taste with a delightful crunch, though when soaked the amount of water absorbed leaves the seeds interestingly juicy.
Add them to a smoothie or juice or toss them through a salad.
The seeds are also consumed whole and offer immense health benefits to those who do. The Asario Seeds are high in vitamin A, C, and K, and are said to improve fertility, treat indigestion, and even cure anaemia.
It’s for this reason this superfood is renowned all over the world.
Include Halim Seeds in your cooking today and take advantage of its amazing health benefits and taste.
Try the seeds today and feel confident with our 100% money-back guarantee.